Investing in Philippines: Bible Quotes of the day: Proverbs 13:11


Saturday, August 6, 2011

Bible Quotes of the day: Proverbs 13:11

Most of these days we wanted to quickly get money to spend it for our daily needs and wants like Friday night gimmicks, the latest cellular phone, the latest fashion, and out of town getaway telling ourselves we deserved it. 

For those who earn salary this would be the psychology or even those who luckily won the lottery. We make "libre" nearly everyone we know telling them "sagot ko". And thus in a few days your back again to your office desk waiting for the next paycheck or worst you find yourself again in the same cashless situation before you won the lottery.

A lot of people are working hard only to end up poor because they don't know the secret to financial freedom that is to "amassed little by little". When one saves and invests it in a vehicle that though generates small returns but when done little by little will surely grow. This is what we call the power of compounding.

Ever wonder why your interest in your loan came to a point where it is even greater than the principal itself? Yes that is compounding. What if we apply compounding the other way around? Apply it to your savings. Save and invest 100 pesos today and in the next weeks add another 10 pesos on top of it. You'll be surprise.

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